Chocolatey Packages

Documentation about My Chocolatey Packages.

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NOTE: Administrative Access Required.

Installs software into “Programs and Features” based on a remote ISO file download. Use Install-ChocolateyIsoPackage when the ISO needs to be downloaded first.


Install-ChocolateyIsoInstallPackage `
  -PackageName <String> `
  -IsoFile <String> `
  [-FileType <String>] `
  [-SilentArgs <String[]>] `
  [-File <String>] `
  [-File64 <String>] `
  [-ValidExitCodes <Object>] `
  [-UseOnlyPackageSilentArguments] `
  [-IgnoredArguments <Object[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


This will mount an ISO file, and executes the specified native installer. Has error handling built in. If you need to download the ISO file first, use Install-ChocolateyIsoPackage instead.


This command will assert UAC/Admin privileges on the machine.

If you are embedding ISO files into a package, ensure that you have the rights to redistribute those files if you are sharing this package publicly (like on the community feed). Otherwise, please use Install-ChocolateyIsoPackage to download those resources from their official distribution points.

This is a wrapper around several existing Chocolatey commandlets.

Chocolatey is copyrighted by its rightful owners. See:





$packageName= 'bob'
$toolsDir   = "$(Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"
$fileLocation = Join-Path $toolsDir 'ISO_EMBEDDED_IN_PACKAGE'

$packageArgs = @{
    packageName   = $packageName
    fileType      = 'msi'
    file          = 'setup.msi'
    file64        = 'x64\setup64.msi'
    silentArgs    = "/qn /norestart"
    validExitCodes= @(0, 3010, 1641)
    softwareName  = 'Bob*'
    isoFile       = $fileLocation

Install-ChocolateyIsoInstallPackage @packageArgs






-PackageName <String>

The name of the package - while this is an arbitrary value, it’s recommended that it matches the package id.

Property Value
Required? true
Position? 1
Default Value  
Accept Pipeline Input? false

-IsoFile <String>

The location of the ISO file. If embedding in the package, you can get it to the path with "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)\\ISO_FILE"

Property Value
Required? true
Position? 2
Default Value  
Accept Pipeline Input? false

-FileType [<String>]

This is the extension of the file. This can be ‘exe’, ‘msi’, or ‘msu’. Licensed editions of Chocolatey use this to automatically determine silent arguments. If this is not provided, Chocolatey will automatically determine this using the downloaded file’s extension.

Property Value
Aliases installerType, installType
Required? false
Position? 3
Default Value exe
Accept Pipeline Input? false

-SilentArgs [<String[]>]

OPTIONAL - These are the parameters to pass to the native installer, including any arguments to make the installer silent/unattended. Licensed editions of Chocolatey will automatically determine the installer type and merge the arguments with what is provided here.

Try any of the to get the silent (unattended) installer - /s /S /q /Q /quiet /silent /SILENT /VERYSILENT. With msi it is always /quiet. Please pass it in still but it will be overridden by Chocolatey to /quiet. If you don’t pass anything it could invoke the installer with out any arguments. That means a nonsilent installer.

Please include the notSilent tag in your Chocolatey package if you are not setting up a silent/unattended package. Please note that if you are submitting to the community repository, it is nearly a requirement for the package to be completely unattended.

When you are using this with an MSI, it will set up the arguments as follows: "C:\Full\Path\To\msiexec.exe" /i "$downloadedFileFullPath" $silentArgs, where $downloadedfileFullPath is $url or $url64, depending on what has been decided to be used.

When you use this with MSU, it is similar to MSI above in that it finds the right executable to run.

When you use this with executable installers, the $downloadedFileFullPath will also be $url/$url64 SilentArgs is everything you call against that file, as in "$fileFullPath" $silentArgs". An example would be "c:\path\setup.exe" /S, where $downloadedfileFullPath = "c:\path\setup.exe" and $silentArgs = "/S".

Property Value
Required? false
Position? 4
Default Value  
Accept Pipeline Input? false

-File [<String>]

The locatation of the 32bit file inside the ISO.

Property Value
Aliases fileFullPath
Required? false
Position? 5
Default Value  
Accept Pipeline Input? false

-File64 [<String>]

The locatation of the 64bit file inside the ISO.

Property Value
Aliases fileFullPath64
Required? false
Position? named
Default Value  
Accept Pipeline Input? false

-ValidExitCodes [<Object>]

Array of exit codes indicating success. Defaults to @(0).

Property Value
Required? false
Position? named
Default Value @(0)
Accept Pipeline Input? false


Do not allow choco to provide/merge additional silent arguments and only use the ones available with the package. Available in 0.9.10+.

Property Value
Aliases useOnlyPackageSilentArgs
Required? false
Position? named
Default Value False
Accept Pipeline Input? false

-IgnoredArguments [<Object[]>]

Allows splatting with arguments that do not apply. Do not use directly.

Property Value
Required? false
Position? named
Default Value  
Accept Pipeline Input? false


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters .

  • [[Install-ChocolateyPackage HelpersInstallChocolateyPackage]]
  • [[Uninstall-ChocolateyPackage HelpersUninstallChocolateyPackage]]
  • [[Get-UninstallRegistryKey HelpersGetUninstallRegistryKey]]
  • [[Start-ChocolateyProcessAsAdmin HelpersStartChocolateyProcessAsAdmin]]
[[Function Reference HelpersReference]]

NOTE: This documentation has been automatically generated from Import-Module "$env:ChocolateyInstalls\chocolatey-isomounts\chocolatey-isomount.psm1" -Force; Get-Help Install-ChocolateyIsoInstallPackage -Full.

View the source for Install-ChocolateyIsoInstallPackage