Chocolatey Packages

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Veeam Service Provider Console Application Server Veeam Service Provider Console Application Server


To install Veeam Service Provider Console Application Server, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

choco install veeam-service-provider-console-server

To upgrade Veeam Service Provider Console Application Server, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

choco upgrade veeam-service-provider-console-server

To uninstall Veeam Service Provider Console Application Server, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell:

choco uninstall veeam-service-provider-console-server


Exit when reboot detected

When installing / upgrading these packages, I would like to advise you to enable this feature choco feature enable -n=exitOnRebootDetected

Veeam Service Provider Console Application Server

Veeam Service Provider Console Server is the engine responsible for providing centralized management of Veeam backup agents and Veeam Backup & Replication.

Manual steps

You’ll need an SQL Server (express) installed. It’s not required to have this installed on this server. You’ll need to specify parameters to connect to the SQL Server.

Package Parameters

To have choco remember parameters on upgrade, be sure to set choco feature enable -n=useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades.

This package accepts a lot of parameters. Some of them are required the installation. For the full list of parameters, please have a look at the documentation

Required parameters

  • /licenseFile
  • /username
  • /password

  • /installDir - Installs the component to the specified location. By default, Veeam Service Provider Console uses the ApplicationServer subfolder of the C:\Program Files\Veeam\Availability Console folder. Example: /installDir="C:\Veeam\" NOTE: The component will be installed to the C:\Veeam\ApplicationServer folder.
  • /licenseFile - Specifies a full path to the license file. For details on license requirements, see section Licensed Objects of the Veeam Service Provider Console Guide for Service Providers. Example: /licenseFile="C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\license.lic"
  • /licenseAutoUpdate - Specifies if you want to enable automatic license update and usage reporting. By default, license auto update is enabled. Note that for Evaluation and NFR licenses automatic license update must be enabled. For details on license types, see section License Types of the Guide for Service Providers. Example: licenseAutoUpdate="1"
  • /username - Specifies a user account under which the Veeam Service Provider Console Services will run and that will be used to access Veeam Service Provider Console database in the Microsoft Windows authentication mode. Example: /username:VAC\Administrator
  • /password - This parameter must be used if you have specified the /username parameter. Specifies a password for the account under which the Veeam Service Provider Console Services will run and that will be used to access Veeam Service Provider Console database. Example: /password:p@ssw0rd
  • /create - Create the requested user on this machine, this user will be added to the local Administrators group.
  • /sqlServer - Specifies a Microsoft SQL server and instance on which the Veeam Service Provider Console database will be deployed. By default, Veeam Service Provider Console uses the LOCALHOST\VEEAMSQL2016 server. Example: /sqlServer:VAC\VEEAMSQL2016_DB
  • /sqlDatabase - Specifies a name of the Veeam Service Provider Console database, by default, VSPC. Example: /sqlDatabase:VACDB
  • /sqlAuthentication - Specifies if you want to use the Microsoft SQL Server authentication mode to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server where the Veeam Service Provider Console database is deployed. Specify 1 to use the SQL Server authentication mode. If you do not use this parameter, Veeam Service Provider Console will connect to the Microsoft SQL Server in the Microsoft Windows authentication mode (default value, 0). Together with this parameter, you must specify the following parameters: /sqlUsername and /sqlPassword. Example: /sqlAuthentication:1
  • /sqlUsername - This parameter must be used if you have specified the /sqlAuthentication parameter. Specifies a LoginID to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server in the SQL Server authentication mode. Example: /sqlUsername:sa
  • /sqlPassword - This parameter must be used if you have specified the /sqlAuthentication parameter. Specifies a password to connect to the Microsoft SQL Server in the SQL Server authentication mode. Example: /sqlPassword:p@ssw0rd
  • /serverManagementPort - Specifies the port number that the Veeam Service Provider Console Web UI component uses to communicate with the Server component. If you do not use this parameter, Veeam Service Provider Console Web UI component will use the default port 1989. Example: /serverManagementPort:102
  • /connectionHubPort - Specifies port used to transfer traffic from cloud gateways and Veeam Cloud Connect server to Veeam Service Provider Console Server component. If you do not use this parameter, Veeam Service Provider Console Web UI component will use the default port 9999. Example: /serverManagementPort:101
  • /serverCertificateThumbprint - Specifies a thumbprint to verify the security certificate installed on the Veeam Service Provider Console server. If you do not use this parameter, Veeam Service Provider Console will generate a new self-signed certificate. Example: /serverCertificateThumbprint:"028EC0FB60A7EBA9B140FCD1553061AF991A7FDE"

Example: choco install veeam-service-provider-console-server --params "/installdir:C:\Veeam"

Please Note: This is an automatically updated package. If you find it is out of date by more than a day or two, please contact the maintainer(s) and let them know here that the package is no longer updating correctly.

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